Author Archive for: deg

About David E. Goldberg

Based in Champaign, Illinois, Dave is a change consultant in education circles and a leadership coach to students, faculty, and administrators in higher education as well as technology managers and professionals around the world. Prior to founding ThreeJoy Associates (, Dave was the Jerry S. Dobrovolny Distinguished Professor in Entrepreneurial Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is known for pioneering work in genetic algorithms and evolutionary computation. Dave holds BSE, MSE, and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University. His two most recent books are The Entrepreneurial Engineer (Wiley, 2006) and Philosophy and Engineering: An Emerging Agenda (edited with Ibo van de Poel, Springer 2010).

Entries by David E. Goldberg

Video: Karen Salmansohn and Perfectionism

Friend of ThreeJoy and the Big Beacon, author and artist Karen Salmansohn has a usefully funky take on perfectionism in the video in the viewer below: httpv:// Karen did the cool graphics on the Big Beacon Manifesto and the head-heart-hands poster here.  Her mission statement in life is quoted below: My mission in one long […]

Trust and Engineering Education Transformation

In the article Engineering Students Can Do X on Huffington Post (here) I talked about the role of trust and other essentially emotional variables in effective education reform, but what is trust?  It is a word that we use quite a lot, but it is one that we use in a number of different senses, […]

Engineering Education Economics: The Goldberg-Laffer Curve

In discussions of why engineering education is so hard to reform, any number of culprits are often identified: stronger interest in research than teaching, lack of familiarity with or interest in active learning, experiential learning, problem-based learning or other pedagogical techniques, insufficient interest in the cultivation of our young people, and so on.  A factor […]

Ten Steps to the Whole New Engineer

Dan Pink called for a Whole New Mind in his book on creativity of the same name (here).  Mark Somerville and I call for a Whole New Engineer and a Whole New Engineering Education in our latest Huffington Post article: We live in a technological time. With nearly 7 billion people on the planet (and […]

What Do Engineers Do During the Day? Hint: It’s Not Math

Engineering education misleads young engineers about what engineering practice is all about.  By concentrating almost all classroom air time on mathematics and the solution of well-formed problem s in physics or engineering science, we give young people the impression that they will spend most of their time doing these things at work in there real […]

Trust and the “We Weren’t Sure You Were Serious” Moment of iFoundry

In 2009, the Illinois Foundry for Innovation in Engineering Education ( admitted 73 freshmen into a special pilot freshmen experience that consisted of the following elements: A one-hour course Introduction to the Missing Basics of Engineering. A zero-credit extracurricular activity called iCommunity (handbook here).  The course consisted of two small hands-on projects and small discussion […]

A.B.E. – Anything But an Engineer

Students in developed countries want to be A.B.E, anything but an engineer.  The deck below considers this difficulty. [slideshare id=13393593&doc=abe-anything-but-an-engineer-pptx-120620093031-phpapp02] It considers also the way in which the Big Beacon (here) may be a way to overcome this difficulty.

Creating Innovators by Tony Wagner

I heard Tony Wagner at an Olin College event in Palo Alto on Sunday and his thoughts about how to educate a generation of innovators as described in his book Creating Innovators.  See the book trailer  below: httpv:// The book is available in hardcover and kindle versions here.